

We love learning at Albion Hills Community Farm and Gardens. Throughout this year we have been asking lots of questions and listening to kids, youth and teachers. We have learned so much and heard so many great ideas. We are now planning new, on-line interactive educational experiences for virtual visitors to the farm.

We offer farm visits that can be curated for your needs based on the following program areas:

  • Farm tour
  • Chickens
  • Bees, honey and pollinators
  • Native plants for pollinators
  • Composting and soil science study
  • Monarch butterflies
  • Food forests and hedgerows
  • Medicine wheel garden
  • Farm work including planting, harvesting, post harvest handling for all kinds of market garden crops like garlic and other crops depending on season

School Programs 2023 are available!

Contact us to book

We offer a variety of on farm education opportunities for children and youth.  Teachers and group leaders are encouraged to contact us to find out more about what options are available. For more information, contact us today at

We offer curated education programs for school groups based on a combination of the programs listed above. These programs fit into the September 2022 Ontario Government curriculum changes to the science and technology stream to add in food literacy, specifically local and indigenous food systems. You can view the new curriculum here.

To support teachers, Sustain Ontario and the Ontario Edible Education Network has developed a website with lesson plans to match the curriculum. With support from Ontario’s Ministry of Education and project partners, Sustain Ontario has developed a suite of lesson plans, learning videos, related readings, and student resources that allow educators to learn and teach about food and food systems in Grades 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. You can visit the Food is Science website for more information.

Albion Hills Community is located at Albion Hills Conservation Area adjacent to the Etobicoke Outdoor Education Centre. Each year over 3600 Toronto area students visit the farm for environmental programs, and to learn about sustainable agriculture. We also offer programs for Caledon area youth and schools.

Farm Hive Visits

Learn about pollinators and life inside a bee hive.  

Following an introduction to pollination, bee society, and hive needs and challenges, we will open one our bee hives and inspect the frames that contain nectar, honey, and larvae.

Suitable for people who are curious about bees and pollination, people considering getting hives and those interested in possible volunteering. Bee suits provided.

$35.00 plus tax. All proceeds go to Albion Hills Community Farm 


Saturday September 16th – 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Friday September 22nd – 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Sunday September 24th – 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Weather permitting.

Send an email to to indicate your interest.  We will send you the details you will need to confirm and attend.

Interested in receiving more info?

If you are interested in receiving more information as a potential participant, please complete the contact form through the button below and we will contact you when we have determined appropriate options and costs for this year. We are also interested in hearing about your interests and suggestions!

Summer Camp 2023

Dirt to Delicious summer camp is held at the Palgrave United Church. Plans are being made to offer Dirt to Delicious summer camp in 2023. Please connect with the organizers by clicking the button below.

Medicine Wheel Garden (C6-7)

This area is inspired by traditional Indigenous Medicine Wheel gardens. The four quadrants represent the four directions and four seasons. We created this garden to provide an opportunity to learn, teach and honour traditional Indigenous practices, perspectives and being.

  • North – Kiiwedingong: This section represents the winter. The winter is the place of wisdom, The bear teaches about fasting as it hibernates and rests throughout the winter months. Sweetgrass is braided to remind us of the strength we gain when our mind, body and spirit is balanced.
  • East – Wasbingong: This section represents the springtime and new life. The eagle is the messenger between the people and the creator and teaches us we need to be thankful for creation and to live in a good way. Life is a gift. To honour that gift we have been given tobacco. Tobacco is used as a sign of thanksgiving and to remind us to be grateful and humble for all aspects of life.
  • South – Zhaawanong: This section represents the youth, summertime and nurturing. The deer teaches us the importance of generosity and sharing, The cedar is used as a cleansing medicine for the body and soul.
  • West – Epangishmok: This section represents the adult stage, autumn harvest. West is the berry stage. It is here the growth from the summer has come to ripen. The berry teaches us forgiveness and peace. It honours the cycle of death and rebirth. The buffalo teaches us to look within ourselves for guidance. Sage is used by Indigenous people to clear their minds and hearts, preparing for the rest of life’s journey.
  • The Centre: The rose in the centre tells us that life is like a rose. The thorns remind us of the up’s and down’s in the journey of life. As the flower dies each year come winter, we remember that we too are reborn after self-reflection, dedication and acceptance. The centre reminds us to find balance in our own lives and maintain our fire within. How is your fire burning?


– Etobicoke Outdoor Education Centre