
Allotment Gardens

Albion Hills Community Farm (aka The Farm) has set aside 2 plus acres for Allotment Gardens. For a modest annual fee individuals, families, school and community groups from the Town of Caledon and surrounding areas can rent a plot of land for growing their own food.

The Allotment Gardens are fully booked for the 2024 season. On occasion, a gardener will change their plans during the season and a plot becomes available. We also have some gardeners who decide not to renew for the following year. We offer the plots to those on the waiting list first. Please email us to request placement on the waiting list.  When you rent an Allotment Garden plot at the Farm you are agreeing to abide by the terms in this agreement. AHCF CG Agreement 2024 

If coming to AHCF please adhere to the user agreement, specifically:

  • I will not come to the Farm if I have any symptoms of COVID-19 or if under self-isolation due to travel or contact with COVID-19
  • I agree to abide by restrictions imposed by the Ontario and Federal governments, Town of Caledon, Peel Public Health, TRCA and/or AHCF even if I may not harvest my crops
  • I will maintain the required physical distance, use the attendance record if required and be cautious when using common areas

About The Gardens

We have a variety of plot sizes available – a few were previously cultivated, but most new plots were surveyed from the fallow fields and will require a lot of grooming before they will be ready to plant.  Although we have hungry wildlife, vigorous weeds and mandatory organic practices, more than 50 allotment garden plots are the pride and joy of the 100+ gardeners who successfully grow crops on this land.

Allotment Gardeners benefit from learning opportunities, shared tools and from getting to know other Allotment Gardeners. Becoming part of the Allotment Gardens means sharing knowledge and skills and spending time with friends and family at our beautiful Farm. Allotment Gardeners are expected to volunteer time to help with upkeep of paths and facilities.

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Need A Ride / Offer a Ride?

There’s no public transport to our tranquil spot in the hills so if you don’t have a car it is difficult to get to the farm. Please don’t be put off, we may have a solution within our community – if you need a ride, please contact us and we will put you in touch with someone who can help. And if you can provide someone with a lift to the farm, please let us know so we can add you to our list of drivers.

Being Part of the Farm Community

The Market Garden is the main source of income for the Farm and is essential to making it possible to offer Allotment Garden plots. The Market Garden can only thrive with help from volunteers, so you are invited to learn about it and get involved; whether through helping with sowing, weeding, harvest, end-of-season clean-up, or countless other ways. Our Farm Manager, Karen, and many of our summer team and volunteers are very knowledgeable and you will learn a lot when you spend some time working and talking alongside them.


Allotment Garden Plot

Allotment Garden (AG) orders for 2024 are now paused. We may open up additional space later on this spring. Please email our volunteer AG Coordinator to discuss availability and to have your name added to our waiting list.

The rental term is May 1st to November 1st.  Returning allotment gardeners can reserve the same plot for the next year by notifying the AG Coordinator before November 1st each year. Invoices will be sent to all returning gardeners for payment by March 31st and after that date, unpaid plots will be considered abandoned and can be offered to people on the waiting list. 

Please note that we are not able to offer a roto-tilling service.

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Medicine Wheel Garden (C6-7)

This area is inspired by traditional Indigenous Medicine Wheel gardens. The four quadrants represent the four directions and four seasons. We created this garden to provide an opportunity to learn, teach and honour traditional Indigenous practices, perspectives and being.

  • North – Kiiwedingong: This section represents the winter. The winter is the place of wisdom, The bear teaches about fasting as it hibernates and rests throughout the winter months. Sweetgrass is braided to remind us of the strength we gain when our mind, body and spirit is balanced.
  • East – Wasbingong: This section represents the springtime and new life. The eagle is the messenger between the people and the creator and teaches us we need to be thankful for creation and to live in a good way. Life is a gift. To honour that gift we have been given tobacco. Tobacco is used as a sign of thanksgiving and to remind us to be grateful and humble for all aspects of life.
  • South – Zhaawanong: This section represents the youth, summertime and nurturing. The deer teaches us the importance of generosity and sharing, The cedar is used as a cleansing medicine for the body and soul.
  • West – Epangishmok: This section represents the adult stage, autumn harvest. West is the berry stage. It is here the growth from the summer has come to ripen. The berry teaches us forgiveness and peace. It honours the cycle of death and rebirth. The buffalo teaches us to look within ourselves for guidance. Sage is used by Indigenous people to clear their minds and hearts, preparing for the rest of life’s journey.
  • The Centre: The rose in the centre tells us that life is like a rose. The thorns remind us of the up’s and down’s in the journey of life. As the flower dies each year come winter, we remember that we too are reborn after self-reflection, dedication and acceptance. The centre reminds us to find balance in our own lives and maintain our fire within. How is your fire burning?


– Etobicoke Outdoor Education Centre